I graduated from the University of Technology in Vienna, Austria with a master-level degree in physics in 1998. The next year I started to work as a self employed consultant in the areas of computer system design and administration as well as network and security design and administration. My professional interests include, among others, all forms of security-related questions, system monitoring and long-term operation. I am a Unix user/administrator since 1990 with a strong focus on Linux for more than 20 years.
All the information on this website is provided as-is without any guarantees whatsoever on a non-profit basis. Having said this, I am available for consulting work in the areas outlined on my business website (in german).
It is not intended to violate any intellectual property rights or trademarks, etc. on this website. If you think that there is any violation nevertheless, please contact the author before you take any other action.
You can reach me by e-mail via <office -AT- stamfest.net>.